Community resources
in West Stockbridge
Churches + Library

St Patrick Catholic Church
The St. Patrick Catholic Church welcomes you each Sunday to 8:30am Mass.
Reverend Msgr. John Bonzagni, Pastor
John Zick, Deacon

West Stockbridge
West Stockbridge Congregational Church is an open and affirming congregation. All are welcome! Worship Sundays at 10am with outdoor chapel service the third Sunday of the month May-October (141 West Center Road).
Services led by Pastors Belle Fox-Martin and Regina Haag.

West Stockbridge Public Library
Town Hall building
21 State Line Road/Route 102
West Stockbridge
413.232.0300 x308
Visit the West Stockbridge Public Library for all kinds of readers, daily newspapers, DVDs and books on tape, and passes to local attractions. WiFi available.
Library hours:
Monday 10am - 3pm
Tuesday 2pm - 6pm
Wednesday & Thursday 10am - 3pm
Friday 2pm - 6pm
Saturday 10am -3pm
Sunday closed

Friends of the West Stockbridge Library
Town Hall building
21 State Line Road/Route 102
West Stockbridge
The Friends of the West Stockbridge Library support and promote the Library's efforts to enrich the lives of residents and visitors of all ages. The Friends provide local newspapers to the library and sponsor programs of community interest for all ages. In conjunction with the West Stockbridge Cultural Council, the Friends provide complimentary passes to museums and other cultural venues.